About A-CERT

A-CERT was established in 2006 by Kieran McKenna and PJ Harte to meet the ever changing professional training requirements needed in Business/Commercial, Safety and Security Sectors.


Kieran served 23 years in the Irish Defence Force where he was employed as a Sergeant in Logistics where his main challenges involved Training initiatives, training briefs and planning. Upon retiring in 2004 Kieran established Watch-It Security Services Ltd. (www.watchitsecurity.ie) Kieran also pursued a series of further studies which culminated in him graduating from Cavan Institute with a diploma in Security Operations and Administration in 2006 and later that year completed his Trainer Certificate in NUI Maynooth.


PJ’s initial background was in the retail sector having run a successful D.I.Y. store and Garden centre business for over a decade before moving full time into the Security sector. PJ has 10 years experience with the Fire Service where he was responsible for staff training and this diversity adds to the unique aspect of A-CERT’s training programme. PJ is currently employed as Operations Director with Frontline Security Group (www.fsg.ie) and during this period PJ also pursued further studies culminating with him graduating with a diploma from Cavan Institute and also with a Trainers Certificate from NUI Maynooth.


Both PJ and Kieran regularly attend regular up skilling and assessment in the latest relevant courses throughout Ireland and the U.K specialising in areas such as:

  • Manual Handling
  • Fire Warden Training
  • Retail Security
  • Conflict Management
  • Customer Service

A-Cert’s mission is to be the leading training provider in Ireland by providing a unique training programme that is tailored to suit our client’s needs. Our distinctive style of training has enabled us to become leading trainers in numerous areas, and this allows us to stay competitive and offer our customers exactly what they require.

A-cert’s objective is to provide a quality training package that not only delivers on our customers needs and expectations but we exceed them. We achieved this with our years experience working in various industries and by using well researched training methods with a hands on approach proving very successful to all involved.

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