Safety Training
Safe Pass
Manual Handling
Occupational First Aid
Fire Safety Awareness
Fire Extinguisher Training
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Business Training

Fire Safety Awareness Course
Course Aim:
This basic Fire Safety training course trains participants to deal with fire on an emergency basis.
It emphasizes the danger of fire, the importance of prevention and the necessity of urgent action when fire breaks out.
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course,
participants will be able to:
- Describe the chemistry of fire
- List the actions to be taken in the event of a fire
- State the organisations evacuation procedures
- Evaluate and (if necessary and not life endangering) fight the fire emergency with the correct extinguisher
Course Content:
- Causes / cost of fires
- Fire safety legislation (Overview)
- Understanding fire
- Physics and chemistry of fire
- Development and spread of fire
- Action in the event of fire and upon hearing the fire alarm
- Tackling the fire
- Choosing the correct extinguisher
- Use of fire extinguisher
- Raising alarm and summoning the fire brigade
- Evacuation procedures
- Role of the wardens
Course Attendance:
- Maximum of 12 participants
- ½ day duration